Sunday, December 21, 2008

Potassium too low

This morning my head became hot and I couldn't hear anything except a loud ringing, and I almost vomited. We looked it up on the internet and loud ringing is a side effect of having a dangerously low potassium level. The new nephrologist, I saw on Monday, Dec 15th told me to take Kionex every day. But it must have lowered it too much. I ate some high potassium foods and the ringing hasn't come back. I started taking protein supplements I read about in my Kidney Disease book by Dr. Walser. I feel a little pressure in my chest sometimes, where my heart is, I hope I am imagining or it goes away. We don't know how to decide who should try to donate. I wish nobody had to. I can't make that decision, I am scared for my brother and sisters. I can't find any info on the internet telling me if it is safe for Hector to donate if he has kidney stones. They told him they are tiny and he has 4 in one and 2 in the other, he never knew he had stones. My GFR last Monday was 5.

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